No More Burnout!
Prioritizing People and their Well-Being™
A continuous mismatch between job demands and resources available can lead to emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and lack of self-confidence. It is crucial for leaders to put systems in place to avoid burnout for themselves as well as for their team members so they can maximize performance and well-being in the workplace.
In this experience leaders identify the signs of burnout, apply a simple formula to predict and measure burnout, and reflect on sustainable solutions to create a work and personal environment that can shield them from becoming a statistic.
Duration and Format: 6-week program; begins with a full-day workshop (in person or virtual) followed by weekly activities; optional group and individual coaching sessions

The IMPACT Experience™
Leaders generate a new level of awareness around their own way of thinking as well as the ripple effect this has on themselves and others. By making conscious choices on how they show up at work and in everyday life, leaders can identify and eliminate barriers that get in the way of their success, thus clearing the path and growing others to be successful too. The mastery of personal awareness and core thinking enables leaders to become more reflective, effective, and inspiring.
Duration and Format: 10-week program; begins with a full-day workshop (in person or virtual) followed by bi-weekly Mental Vitamins (virtual), and ends with a virtual Practicum

The Coach Approach to Leadership™
Bring a higher level of leadership into your life and organization! This highly engaging experience will introduce organizational leaders to the foundations of coaching and receive real time, hands-on practice. The purpose of this experience is not for leaders to become certified coaches; rather it's about gaining an in-depth understanding of foundational coaching skills and their application in the workplace.
Duration and Format: 6-week program; begins with a full-day workshop (in person or virtual) followed by weekly activities and a virtual Practicum