The mission of the IMPACT Experience is to help organizations raise the importance and value of personal awareness and core thinking. Rather than focusing solely on defining leadership skills, tactics, and strategies, IMPACT elevates the significance and importance of helping leaders look inward at what motivates them as well as what triggers their default responses under stress.
Stress has a tremendous impact on overall emotional wellbeing and that is why we refuse to accept a ‘Leadership as Usual’ mentality. The IMPACT Experience is designed for individuals to share an opportunity for a life-changing, interactive, thought-provoking experience that focuses on helping leaders gain the critical insight on WHO they truly are at their core, WHAT they want out of life, WHY they do what they do, and HOW much and WHAT type of energy they exhibit.
We call this leading from the inside out.
As a result of completing the IMPACT Experience, leaders are more aware of what causes their stress, make more conscious choices about their ability to release it -or not, and finally learn how to be at the CAUSE of their lives as opposed to at the EFFECT.
Organizations who have overcome and even grown during trying times have done so by adapting new ways of working, communicating, collaborating, synergizing, and innovating. It is up to the leaders of these organizations to move forward through the disruption, establish a culture of well-being, and visualize what’s possible as they rapidly accelerate into the future. A new way to lead is critical during this transformation.
As a leader, ask yourself:Â
How are you raising the awareness of everyone in your organization with a clear sense of purpose and value in the work they are doing?
How are you establishing and/or strengthening relationships and connection with your team members and client base?
How is your organization engaging in the opportunity for improved interactions, greater understanding, and deeper trust with all stakeholders?
How well are you communicating and staying visible?Â
How are you leading from the front and guiding the change from a powerful and intentional place of inspired action?


Discover your unique energy makeup under normal circumstances as well as under stress, and how this impacts the way you show up at work and in your personal life.

Understand the concept of Energy Leadership and learn how your way of thinking drives your behavior, influences others, and impacts the habits, culture, and potential of your organization.

Discover the real causes of stress and overwhelm in your life and work, and learn to outweigh them and eliminate the related impact.

Identify and overcome limiting beliefs that get in the way of your success, thus maximizing your competence to lead and clearing the path for others to be successful too.

Develop the ability to tap into the energy of success and increase your self-confidence and effectiveness, respond to stress in a constructive way, and make a positive impact on the people you lead and your organization at large.

Shift from focusing on problems and putting out fires to proactively creating solutions and inspiring others to do the same.

The IMPACT Experience offers a powerful partnership with organizations to help team members reduce stress; and exceed professional, organizational, and personal goals with expanded self-awareness through a sustainable approach to personal leadership development. Our program brings a highly interactive blend of education and coaching to help leaders better understand themselves in order to bring a higher level of direction into their lives and organizations.
Through the combination of in person, virtual training, and 1:1 coaching, the IMPACT Experience follows a unique approach so individuals learn about themselves, how they are showing up, what causes their stress, what affects their ability to lead more effectively, and how to bring forward their true leadership style. Our work is deeply based on the Core Energy and Energy Leadership methodologies. We use the Energy Leadership Index (ELI) assessment as a foundational assessment tool which provides a comprehensive evaluation of their energetic profile (leadership potential) as well as their reaction to stress and default tendencies.
You have an opportunity right in front of you to hit the reset button on your organizational culture and inspire your people with a new way to lead. Now is the time to give leaders the opportunity to reconnect firmly with core values, core thinking and powerful, deliberate action. The IMPACT Experience creates a highly interactive learning environment for leaders and their teams to learn and grow from the past. Making deliberate choices about what pieces of the past serve us best moving forward is the opportunity. Set the tone in your organization by helping your leaders raise their own personal awareness, connect more deeply with their people and engage at the highest level with even more passion and dedication. A new way to lead is about leading ourselves differently in order to inspire and motivate others to do the same.
Based on the three pillars of AWARENESS, CONNECTION AND ENGAGEMENT:
React vs Respond – Increase your awareness of what triggers stress and how you deal with it.
Cause vs Effect - Gain clarity on whether you are leading with positive intent or playing the victim.
Have To vs Choose To - Comprehend and apply the power of choice in all aspects of your life.
Energy = Attitude - Choose how much and what type of energy you show up with at every moment.
Energy + Intention + Engagement = Performance - Know who you are at your core, and understand the patterns of your personality, reactions, and influence on others so you can perform at your best.
What Our Clients Are Saying About the
Which aspects of the program did you benefit from the most and why?
- "The introspective thinking. Identifying specific scenarios in which my energy levels do not fit the desired need for the meeting, interaction, or issue(s) I am dealing with."
- "Learning the Energy levels and being able to recognize when at a level 1. Beneficial to allow me to recognize and step back, regroup and approach differently."
- "Getting an understanding of the energy levels and how to navigate between them. Understanding the impacts the different levels have on those around you, rather than that some of them are "bad" and some good."
How did the awareness of your Energetic Profile and Energetic Stress Reaction help you identify areas for personal growth?
- "This helped me understand that a lower energy level is sometimes necessary to catapult beyond the mid-range and into the more powerful levels."
"Helps to recognize that I default to Level 1 when under stress. Need to learn to recognize when this is occurring to be able to adjust."
"That I'm very much a caregiver, but most of the time, not to myself, but to others and that my stress reaction is very much a victim. This assessment has helped me understand that I need to take better care of myself as well, and that hopefully these little goals will help in transforming some of my Level 1 energy into more positive energy."
How did the awareness of your Energetic Profile and Energetic Stress Reaction help you identify areas to work with your team?
- "The ability to be aware of where different members are at different times, and where people likely sit on their average (or during stressful weeks) really helps frame conversations and activities to raise energy levels when needed."
- "I'm developing more awareness of how I react/respond to things."
- "In times I typically compromise when I know we could do better I will challenge others on my team to reach their full potential and help me reach mine."
How would you describe The IMPACT Experience to someone that is looking to improve their awareness as a leader?
- "You don't know what you are missing until you are made aware. Your energy awareness can save you unnecessary frustration and enable greater perspective."
- "A great program to help identify the way we may be operating and how that may be conveyed to others. To me it is closely related to emotional intelligence as well. This can be used to help identify your energy level, and then influence your behaviors and how you project that energy on the others around you. Provides an understanding of when certain energy levels may be useful in certain situations."
- "This is about self-monitoring and self-knowledge. The energy levels color our non-verbals and impact others around us. Knowing how you present yourself is key to helping yourself with your responses and helping others around you with more effective leadership."

Kyle Pertuis is a seasoned Professional Executive Coach and Leadership Development Consultant with a 25-year track record in planning and facilitating programs designed to optimize business growth, leadership development, personal effectiveness and employee engagement. His entrepreneurial and consulting experience have helped both established companies as well as start-ups. Key areas of focus include successfully planning and launching programs for the benefit of leadership, organizational and cultural development, transition and succession planning, executive and leadership coaching, and overall strategic planning.
Ultimately, his coaching style is rooted in his passion to support and assist people in creating positive and lasting change in their business and personal lives. As Founder of MindFit Coaching, Inc, he works primarily with Business Owners, Leaders, Executives, Managers and Entrepreneurs enabling them to maximize their highest potential and performance levels.