MindFit Coaching offers multiple leadership experiences intended to elevate personal awareness, strengthen human connection, and increase dynamic engagement. As leaders take their competency to a higher level, the ripple effect helps create an organizational culture of humanness, well-being, and inclusion that will inevitably result in high productivity.
These leadership experiences can be customized to your team or organization needs. All experiences are offered in a live, virtual, or hybrid format, and have a duration of 3 to 6 hours.
Book a Customizable Leadership Experience
Emotional Professionalism: Humanity in Leadership and the Workplace
As society and the workplace become more and more automated, the need for workers with intuition, creativity, and empathy has become even greater. The morale of an entire team is dependent on a kind of leadership that is introspective and aware of others’ well-being, resulting in increased vulnerability and compassion. Leaders who use a compassionate, whole-person approach to conducting everyday business will impact both employee emotional wellness and resilience, and organizational performance. This skillset is especially important in times of change and crisis.

Conflict Management at Work
Resonant leaders manage conflict effectively by focusing on the possibilities and avoiding all the reasons why not, by removing negativism and resistance, and helping create a shared vision.
This course will help participants understand how conflict impacts all parties mentally, physically, and emotionally. Leaders will be given tools and the opportunity to apply them in real world simulations with an emphasis on how to better deal with resistance and defiance, and how to release stress, mitigate misunderstanding, and reduce animosity.

Getting Out Of Your Own Way: Taming Inner Blocks and Barriers
Human beings think an average of 70,000 thoughts per day and about 70% of those are the same. When these thoughts and beliefs are biased, judgmental, and punishing they can limit our potential and success; when they are constructive and healing, they can lift us up. This session will help increase awareness of how inner blocks and barriers impact every aspect of life as well as techniques to overcome these obstacles.

Beat Stress and Boost Well-Being at Work
The real enemy of high performance is not stress (which is actually the stimulus for growth) but the absence of disciplined, intermittent recovery. Chronic stress without renewal mechanisms in place depletes energy reserves, leads to burnout and breakdown, and ultimately undermines performance. It’s like running on empty. In order to make a change, the person must tie this goal to their priorities, align with their values, and create an emotional environment of hope, mindfulness, compassion, and optimism.

Personal Awareness: A Powerful Tool for Effective Leadership
Understanding who we are and how we are seen by others is one of the core components of emotional intelligence and a crucial leadership trait. Self-awareness helps people lead with authenticity and integrity. Participants will be asked to be vulnerable and go through an introspective exercise; then they will practice implementing tools to boost personal awareness.

No More Burnout: Prioritizing People and their Well-Being
The World Health Organization has labeled burnout a "workplace phenomenon" in 2019. The continuous stress due to a mismatch of job demands and resources available can lead to loss of energy, enthusiasm and self-confidence. It is crucial for leaders to put systems in place to avoid burnout for themselves as well as for their team members so they can maximize effectiveness as well as well-being in the workplace.

Combat the Imposter Syndrome
In a society or competitive work environment where self-worth is contingent on achieving, some individuals who put a great deal of pressure on themselves are vulnerable to doubting their abilities. Feeling like a phony -as though someone is going to discover that you are a fraud- that you don't belong where you are, and that your accomplishments are only the result of good luck- is more common among high-achieving individuals than people think. Sometimes disguised as anxiety, the imposter syndrome or imposter phenomenon impairs professional performance and contributes to burnout.

Key Drivers for a High Performing Culture
Leaders will be asked to suspend judgment and embrace curiosity. To become a possibility thinker and a catalyst for growth in their team and organization, change must start within. First, they must check with themselves, and realize how they are showing up and what thoughts are limiting them. Secondly, they must use mindfulness when communicating with others, and create a safe space for team members to express ideas and opinions. Thirdly, they must use emotional intelligence to engage and facilitate difficult conversations.

From Bias to Brilliance: Breaking Down Barriers for Better Decision Making
The human brain has basically two types of thinking processes: one is quick and instinctive, and the other one is methodical and logic-driven. In order to save energy, the unconscious mind often influences your decision-making, steering you towards choices that may not necessarily be the best. By generating awareness about this, we can create new habits that will help us make more sensible decisions. In this leadership experience, we will use a bit of psychology and behavioral science to delve into the fascinating world of cognitive bias and learn how to spot it in yourself and others. From confirmation bias to the Dunning-Kruger effect, this experience provides practical tools to break down these mental barriers, and help leaders improve relationships and make more mindful choices.

Keeping Your Sanity: How Leaders Find Flow Through Awareness, Connection, and Engagement
This experience is especially designed with the busy leader in mind. It offers tools, strategies, and reflections to help leaders achieve a state of flow and calmness, and support their team members in doing the same. The experience addresses personal awareness, human connection, and dynamic engagement -three important pillars that can help leaders make a positive, sustainable change at both the individual and team levels, and achieve a more stable and productive lifestyle.

The Coach Approach:
Foundations of Coaching for Organizational Leaders
Bring a higher level of leadership into your life and organization! The coach approach is a full-day interactive learning process that will introduce organizational leaders to the foundations of coaching and receive real time, hands-on experience. Becoming an intuitive listener, seeking to understand by asking powerful questions, ensuring buy-in, and building accountability are examples of what participants can expect to learn and practice during this highly interactive session.